Countdown to NaNoWriMo - structuring your novel
NaNoWriMo September is drawing near. That means it’s only two months away from beginning the latest challenge for National Novel Writing...
Novel Writing: An endurance sport
I had forgotten that writing a novel is an endurance sport mixed in with monastic solitude. But, here we are at the end of National Novel...
Overcoming the Monster: National Novel Writing month 2016 - rising to the challenge.
We’re approaching November which is National Novel Writing Month. The idea of writing a novel in those 30 days is upon us. The concept is...
A Writer's Toolkit: Beginning your Novel
I wish there was a way to wave a magic wand and the beginning of a novel would suddenly appear. It doesn’t work like that, as any author...
Ten mistakes made by new writers
I've been thinking of some of the (many) mistakes I made when I was starting out as a writer, and thought it would be worth gathering...